بوت ام ال بي

Now keep your ID 24x7 time online with MLB.
How to operate MLB.
As MMT you have to give command to our bot id.
(Dont add this id just send @/r to g-bot1, then after bot will send you friend request n just accept it.)
Activate MLB:
(if you not able to send password then use space or '@' sign in between your password.)
EX: if pswd is abc123 then you can type pswd as abc@123 OR abc 123.
(make sure your real pswd dnt contain '@' sign.)
De-activate MLB:
Change Status:
0 = invisible.
1 = online
2 = busy
3 = away
Set Auto reply Msg:
Turn off auto reply @/p(key)$0
use @n@ in message to replace with sender username.
Ex: @/p(key)$hii @n@ am away.
Here @n@ will be replaced with username of sender.
Change Status Message:
Join/Leave Room:
Join Room:
Leave Room:
Auto Update status Message
@/c(key)$1 to turn ON.
@/c(key)$0 to turn OFF.
Save Status Messages:
@/u(key)$(message 1)
@/u(key)$(message 2) and so on..


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